
Saturday, October 14, 2017

5 Things You Didn't Know About Me


Hi there. It's been.....a really long time since I blogged. Like months. LOTS of things have changed in our lives in the last few months. New jobs, another move, buying a house, etc. I started drafting this post A LONG time ago, so it time for it to hit the live net. I'm not what I consider a "reserved" person. I don't mind being a little open with folks. After all, we are all humans trying to make it in this cray cray world. SOOO, for all of you keeping up with this unpredictable blog, to understand my perspective from the middle of it all, there are a few things you should know about me!!

1.  I never dreamed I would be a football coach's wife. 
Cory and I started dating in February of 2013. Football didn't mean much to me when we met. Didn't mean much as in, I liked to shop for the games, tailgate, and I cheered when everyone else cheered. Despite my complete and total lack of football knowledge, (tehehe) Cory and I clicked. Our relationship is the definition of opposites attract. I'm Type A, keep a to-do list, have a plan kinda gal. He is spontaneous and HILARIOUS, fearless, and the life of the party. We got engaged that December. We got married on August 2, 2014. Football became a HUGE part of my life. Can you tell we are football people by our wedding reception location??

Vaught Hemmingway Stadium- Club Suites- Oxford, MS

Since Cory and I started dating, we have been at four schools: Ittawamba Community College, Hernando High School, University of Arkansas Monticello, and Lake Cormorant High School. We move often, but that is the life of a football coach! We are currently at Lake Cormorant High School in DeSoto County, MS. He is the Offensive Coordinator. This football life is not what I planned, but I'm more in love with it now than I ever thought I'd be. You learn to love the crazy that it all brings. It keeps me on my toes, that's for sure. There is something magical about watching the person you love more than anything in the world do what they love. I get to see that every week!

                                                This picture was taken on the UAM Walk of Champions last season!

2. My dog is more than just a pet. 
I transferred colleges the summer before my junior year in 2012. I went from The University of Southern Mississippi (SMTTT) to The University of Mississippi. It was an incredibly difficult transition for me. I LOVED my time at USM, and I still have a soft spot in my heart for the school and the town of Hattiesburg.

Although I knew Oxford well, I wanted a doggy companion to help with all the change. Enter Delta!!! She was my perfect little ball of energy and love during those tough months. 

Delta Ann Quinn is her given name. She also goes by Delly. Dell Bell. Red Fox. Felta. Delta Girl. Pumpkin. My Girl. Buttercup. Delly Ann.

 She has no less than 30 nicknames, and we come up with another one all the time. She turned five on June 26th, but she's still my baby. She's not a dog to me. She's part of our family. She is me made over. She took on my personality in some hilarious ways. She gets moody when she's hungry and she needs her alone time. She's hyper at the most inappropriate times, and she gets overwhelmed easily. You're learning so much about us both. 😂  She's literally my favorite. 

3. FYI: I still sing. I always have and I always will. 

My mom says I started singing when I started talking. It has always been what has defined me. It has been my thing. It was my entire life and my identity. I was the girl in the choir, on the praise team, performing for events, etc. You get it by now, I'm sure. I never knew what the future would hold for my voice, I knew that I wanted to get my college education before I seriously pursed music. I planned to move to Nashville after college, roll the dice, and give it a shot. However, my story wasn't written that way. When I graduated, the next step was marriage and continuing my education with my Masters. God is still writing a beautiful story when it comes to the gift he gave me. I still have dreams. I still write. It doesn't look the way people think it is "supposed" to look, but that's for a different post. 😃  Wanna hear what I've got? Check out these videos.

"Here's Where I Stand"-- solo with the Mississippi River Chorale

"Trust In You" - Singing for an adoption fundraiser
YA'LL I got to sing with Nikisha Williams on this one. You better go look her up. She's going to make your jaw hit the floor!

4. I'm a counselor, but I don't have it all together all the time.  

You know that big nasty "A" word that people avoid at all cost? I'm talking about anxiety. Ever felt it before? This girl has. It doesn't take much of it to know you don't want to deal with it often. Mindfulness and clarity are hard to achieve in our busy daily lives, but I try. I was first introduced to mindfulness in Fall 2014 when I started my counseling Masters. I joined a group called "Calm and Chaos" led by one of our awesome professors. Each week we went through a new method of coping with stress and anxiety. I learned about deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, guided imagery, and meditation. You may be thinking "Is she cross your legs and hum kinda stuff?" YEP. I am so serious. Stress can be managed. It doesn't have to run your life. Find something that works for you and don't be ashamed of it.

A few of my personal favorites for mental health are deep breathing, a solid self-care plan, journaling, and meditation. I am also very into Britney Moses's app: Faith and Mental Wellness.

 5. I want to make a difference. 

I don't say that to sound like a Hallmark card. I mean I really want to do my part to change lives. I remember when I was really young, like less than 10 years old, I learned what abortion was. Our church was doing a campaign to raise money for an organization that provided counseling and resources for women that chose to keep their baby. I was so young, but I wanted to help. When I was 21 I went to Oaxaca, MX on a mission trip. It sounds so cheesy, but my heart will never be the same after that trip. We served at a children's home called Casa Hogar. I met children with different backgrounds and stories. I held kids that I truly wanted to bring home with me. It's been a while since that trip, and I long for more opportunities like that one.

I am a school counselor for 6th-8th grade students. So when I want to get on plane and take off to be light to children, I remind myself that there are hurting hearts in the hallways, classrooms, and community that I can reach.

That's the five things you probably didn't know about me! Do we have something in common? Well, we should be friends! Follow me on all things social media! Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter
What are some of the things people don't know about you? Share them with me in the comments!

From the middle with love,


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