
Tuesday, January 17, 2017

The Realities of Poor Time Management and What I'm Doing About It

Ummmmm....HI EVERYONE. Yeah, it's been a hot minute. BUT in all my time off I've had some serious talks with myself and I can tell you why I haven't been blogging.

Reason #1- My husband's computer bit the dust. It's a little hard to blog when you don't have a computer. 

Reason #2- I've been extra restful and mindful since October. March through September finally caught up to me. The whirlwind of starting a new job, moving away from family, and the demands of football season blindsided me in a major way. Long story short, things got quiet in social world.

Reason #3. I'm busy. Everyone say a mental "UGH", and keep going.

Reason #4  Last but not least, and the reason this post is being written, I'm just NOT managing my time with purpose since I graduated from my Masters in May. I thought that when I graduated I would have so much more time and energy to use towards hobbies and activities that I enjoyed. I wasn't wrong about having more time. However, I was wrong about how hard it is to use my extra time with direction and intention. 

I wanted to do something with those hours! Write a song, cook a good dinner, Facetime with friends or family, try yoga, give myself a pedicure, read a new book, etc....You'd think I could just do those things, but many nights I put Netflix on and chilled a few hours away.

Now don't get me wrong on this chill thing. I am ALL for an occasional visit with my best friends Lorelai and Rory. And some nights there's nothing better than Sonic Cheddar Peppers. Occasional had become my typical, and that equals problem. I noticed that I was missing opportunities and moments during the week. I wasn't pushing myself to do the things I knew would make me happy. 

I'm a firm believer that many problems have solutions. (Shout out to SFBT!) My solution to not blogging for four months is to catch up on what my school counseling program has been up to. I may have been slow to start with hobbies and extra time, but my first semester as a school counselor was AMAZING and PRODUCTIVE. I have to write about it all. It's just a must. 

My solution to taking my time back from the chillax monster is outlining and implementing the changes I want to make in my life. I thought and thought of how I might organize that daunting task. It hit me over Christmas break what I needed to do. I'm rereading the book The Happiness Project by Gretchen Ruben. I read it in June 2015, but I didn't start my own project. I picked bits and pieces of the monthly concepts to try. But NOW I loooooovvveeee the idea of diving into a more detailed and intentional happiness project. Are you asking what a happiness project is? Check it out here

So that's what I'm up to! I'm in the middle of managing my time and energy in order to be more purposeful. 
What are you in the middle of right now? I'd love to hear from you! I've missed you guys. :) 

Until next time!

From the middle with love, 



  1. Awesome blog Mere. A great read for you would also be Intentional Living by John Maxwell.

    1. I just looked it up, and it does sound impactful! Thank you for that suggestion!
