
Saturday, October 14, 2017

5 Things You Didn't Know About Me


Hi there. It's been.....a really long time since I blogged. Like months. LOTS of things have changed in our lives in the last few months. New jobs, another move, buying a house, etc. I started drafting this post A LONG time ago, so it time for it to hit the live net. I'm not what I consider a "reserved" person. I don't mind being a little open with folks. After all, we are all humans trying to make it in this cray cray world. SOOO, for all of you keeping up with this unpredictable blog, to understand my perspective from the middle of it all, there are a few things you should know about me!!

1.  I never dreamed I would be a football coach's wife. 
Cory and I started dating in February of 2013. Football didn't mean much to me when we met. Didn't mean much as in, I liked to shop for the games, tailgate, and I cheered when everyone else cheered. Despite my complete and total lack of football knowledge, (tehehe) Cory and I clicked. Our relationship is the definition of opposites attract. I'm Type A, keep a to-do list, have a plan kinda gal. He is spontaneous and HILARIOUS, fearless, and the life of the party. We got engaged that December. We got married on August 2, 2014. Football became a HUGE part of my life. Can you tell we are football people by our wedding reception location??

Vaught Hemmingway Stadium- Club Suites- Oxford, MS

Since Cory and I started dating, we have been at four schools: Ittawamba Community College, Hernando High School, University of Arkansas Monticello, and Lake Cormorant High School. We move often, but that is the life of a football coach! We are currently at Lake Cormorant High School in DeSoto County, MS. He is the Offensive Coordinator. This football life is not what I planned, but I'm more in love with it now than I ever thought I'd be. You learn to love the crazy that it all brings. It keeps me on my toes, that's for sure. There is something magical about watching the person you love more than anything in the world do what they love. I get to see that every week!

                                                This picture was taken on the UAM Walk of Champions last season!

2. My dog is more than just a pet. 
I transferred colleges the summer before my junior year in 2012. I went from The University of Southern Mississippi (SMTTT) to The University of Mississippi. It was an incredibly difficult transition for me. I LOVED my time at USM, and I still have a soft spot in my heart for the school and the town of Hattiesburg.

Although I knew Oxford well, I wanted a doggy companion to help with all the change. Enter Delta!!! She was my perfect little ball of energy and love during those tough months. 

Delta Ann Quinn is her given name. She also goes by Delly. Dell Bell. Red Fox. Felta. Delta Girl. Pumpkin. My Girl. Buttercup. Delly Ann.

 She has no less than 30 nicknames, and we come up with another one all the time. She turned five on June 26th, but she's still my baby. She's not a dog to me. She's part of our family. She is me made over. She took on my personality in some hilarious ways. She gets moody when she's hungry and she needs her alone time. She's hyper at the most inappropriate times, and she gets overwhelmed easily. You're learning so much about us both. 😂  She's literally my favorite. 

3. FYI: I still sing. I always have and I always will. 

My mom says I started singing when I started talking. It has always been what has defined me. It has been my thing. It was my entire life and my identity. I was the girl in the choir, on the praise team, performing for events, etc. You get it by now, I'm sure. I never knew what the future would hold for my voice, I knew that I wanted to get my college education before I seriously pursed music. I planned to move to Nashville after college, roll the dice, and give it a shot. However, my story wasn't written that way. When I graduated, the next step was marriage and continuing my education with my Masters. God is still writing a beautiful story when it comes to the gift he gave me. I still have dreams. I still write. It doesn't look the way people think it is "supposed" to look, but that's for a different post. 😃  Wanna hear what I've got? Check out these videos.

"Here's Where I Stand"-- solo with the Mississippi River Chorale

"Trust In You" - Singing for an adoption fundraiser
YA'LL I got to sing with Nikisha Williams on this one. You better go look her up. She's going to make your jaw hit the floor!

4. I'm a counselor, but I don't have it all together all the time.  

You know that big nasty "A" word that people avoid at all cost? I'm talking about anxiety. Ever felt it before? This girl has. It doesn't take much of it to know you don't want to deal with it often. Mindfulness and clarity are hard to achieve in our busy daily lives, but I try. I was first introduced to mindfulness in Fall 2014 when I started my counseling Masters. I joined a group called "Calm and Chaos" led by one of our awesome professors. Each week we went through a new method of coping with stress and anxiety. I learned about deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, guided imagery, and meditation. You may be thinking "Is she cross your legs and hum kinda stuff?" YEP. I am so serious. Stress can be managed. It doesn't have to run your life. Find something that works for you and don't be ashamed of it.

A few of my personal favorites for mental health are deep breathing, a solid self-care plan, journaling, and meditation. I am also very into Britney Moses's app: Faith and Mental Wellness.

 5. I want to make a difference. 

I don't say that to sound like a Hallmark card. I mean I really want to do my part to change lives. I remember when I was really young, like less than 10 years old, I learned what abortion was. Our church was doing a campaign to raise money for an organization that provided counseling and resources for women that chose to keep their baby. I was so young, but I wanted to help. When I was 21 I went to Oaxaca, MX on a mission trip. It sounds so cheesy, but my heart will never be the same after that trip. We served at a children's home called Casa Hogar. I met children with different backgrounds and stories. I held kids that I truly wanted to bring home with me. It's been a while since that trip, and I long for more opportunities like that one.

I am a school counselor for 6th-8th grade students. So when I want to get on plane and take off to be light to children, I remind myself that there are hurting hearts in the hallways, classrooms, and community that I can reach.

That's the five things you probably didn't know about me! Do we have something in common? Well, we should be friends! Follow me on all things social media! Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter
What are some of the things people don't know about you? Share them with me in the comments!

From the middle with love,


Saturday, May 20, 2017

UPDATE -- The Ultimate Name Game! Learning All 400 Students' Names

      Welcome back to Mere in the Middle! Right now I am in the middle of wrapping up my first year of counseling. It is a whirlwind to say the least! Way back at the beginning of this school year I challenged myself to learn each and every students' name! Read the initial post, The Ultimate Name Game . I wanted to memorize all 400 names by Christmas, but that didn't happen. I tried hard, but I was still missing at least 75 names. But I didn't give up! I kept memorizing through the school year. I am SO proud to say that I know almost all of my students by name. I still hesitate and need the first letter for a handful of students. Although it took longer than I expected, my Ultimate Name Game was an exciting venture for my first year. I would encourage any counselor to try this, and here's why.

1. The students get a kick out it. There were many days giving classroom guidance lessons that I would make a deal with them. If I couldn't remember their name, they got a piece of candy. They LOVED that. The students that I remembered, felt valued. And the students that got a piece of candy knew I wouldn't forget it again.

2.  You know everyone....everyone. It is so awesome when I hear names and I know exactly who they are, what grade they are in, their face, etc. You know who your quiet students are. You see the students that don't step into the spotlight much. You know those students' names that are not always called for student council, or good grades, or making a sports team. But you'll know them. You'll make them smile. They will know you care.

3. Knowing their names is just the beginning. I started realizing about November that I knew random little facts about my students. I had acquired tid-bits of information through interacting with them.  I knew if they were on a sports team, had brothers or sisters, who their friends were, if they liked English more than Science, etc. This is my point- Knowing a student's name is just the beginning. There was almost always a conversation that followed when I walked the halls and called them by name. A "Good morning" is great, but a "Good morning, Thomas" is typically followed by "How was the game last night?", "How was that test?" Conversational doors open when you take the time to know their names.

      There are more reasons to use this challenge, but those are my top three. Be in the halls. Connect with your kids. Show them you care. Give them reason to trust you. Be someone in the school on which they can rely. Going back to work after Christmas I had a realization...I love my kids. They don't always make the right choices. They don't always stay true to their values. But they are learning, and they are trying. I love them because I know them. And I know them better because I know their names.

Try it out? Let me know if it makes a difference in your connections? Comment and let me know!
I hope it does. I know The Ultimate Name Game has made a difference at my school.

Also.....Let's be friends! Subscribe to the blog, Facebook- Meredith Evans Quinn, Twitter- @merequinn, Instagram- mereequinn, and Pinterest- Meredith Quinn- Mere in the Middle

I could know your name, too! Until next time!

From the middle with love,


Saturday, February 25, 2017

My Happier 2017: February Resolutions

My 2017 happiness project is off to a great start! My January resolutions have recharged me for the new year. I'm back on track with my running, my car is detailed, and my house has remained organized. 

With that momentum, the resolutions continue with February! The topic for this month is marriage. 

My best day ever was August 2, 2014. I cried through vows to the man that was made for me. In the last two and a half years I've learned what grace, hope, forgiveness, and commitment really are. I'm so thankful for our journey and the way we love each other.

My resolutions from January were based on the same resolutions that Gretchen Rubin set. Read more about that here. My February resolutions are a little mix of her ideas and my own.

Resolutions to make February a little happier:
1. Stop Nagging.
2. Reframe Responsibilities.
3. Be Sweet.
4. Different Daily Communication.

1. Stop Nagging. 
This resolution is inspired by Rubin. In her book The Happiness Project, she suggests finding other ways to remind your sweetheart of something without talking. I like this idea because I can't insert sass or tone if I'm not talking. 😬 Some things I've tried are notes on the door, leaving something beside his keys, or a one word text. I don't want to be a "nag" that assumes my husband can't complete a task without me reminding him ten times. OH and I almost forgot! This has seriously helped- Don't nag about something you aren't willing to do yourself! If they leave their clothes in the floor, but your workout clothes are sitting on the dresser...ummm...just a suggestion to practice what you nag. I might only be talking to me, but hey. I need to be reminded. 😂
These little tricks help cut down on the irritation that can come with the responsibilities of our life. 

2. Reframe Responsibilities. 
I debated on writing about this one. But here we go! The first few months of our marriage I put SO much pressure on myself. I was trying to be this perfect little new wife with a clean house, laundry done, wonderful meals made, and more. To top that off, I was in grad school and gone three nights a week. It was a mess. I was a mess. I felt like I couldn't be the wife I was expected to be. A few months into marriage we sat down and had our first big talk. I told him that I was anxious and sorry and couldn't figure out how to balance it all. He looked at me and with a few sentences he changed the way I felt about myself as a wife. He said "I don't expect you to be perfect. I don't want you to be perfect. How boring would that be? You expect you to be perfect. I love you no matter what."

Ya'll. My little 22 year old heart beamed. He was right. It was my own stuff getting in the way of my happiness. I let go of many of those expectations that day. I came to terms with the 21st century marriage that we were adjusting to. Looking back, I don't know why I tried to be Donna Reed. That's not what I want. Maybe I thought it was what I was supposed to do. I don't know, but I'm so glad that's not my life. 

Since then we have worked on balancing the responsibilities. You know how people say things like "I want him to want to do laundry." Or "I just don't want to have to ask." Okay, I have so been there. I don't care how much balance we find, I'm the neat freak. I value a well kept home. He appreciates that quality about me, but it's not a priority to him. I had a revelation during football season. (Remember football season...husband is a college football coach..not a lot of time at home) Well, I was geared up one night. I was over it. I was tired of the responsibilities. I wanted my laundry done. I wanted someone else to clean the house for company. I mean I was not calm and collected. Those moments of anger and resentment are when IT HIT ME. 

I had this little conversation with myself---SELF. GET OVER IT. If you lived by yourself you would do your laundry. You would keep a clean house. You would wash the sheets. You would keep your guest room cozy and clean. You would be pumped for company. SO GET OVER IT. Your husband has NOTHING to do with your housekeeping habits! YOU do these things FOR YOU!

This might not be groundbreaking for you, but I needed a reframe- a new way of thinking about responsibilities. This realization doesn't mean he doesn't help. He does. It doesn't mean I don't still struggle with it sometimes.  I do. I just needed to think about it differently. The reframe from our first few months of marriage was exactly what I needed then. This recent reframe is what I needed for this season. Neither of these may be what you need, but I encourage you to find a reframe that might.

3. Be Sweet.
Oh daily life. Leave it to daily life with someone to get your guard down and let the real talk start flowing. This is why my third resolution is to be sweet! I want to be more intentional with responding with easy going love and laughter. I am doing this by implementing Rubin's idea of a "Week of Extreme Nice". It is an entire week of SUPER awesome-sweet-loving-spouse-ness. I did this over Valentine's week. It was harder than I thought it would be. 😇 It will highlight your tendencies during daily interaction. Try it. It was eye opening. The best part is that it will likely make you and your honey happy. Win, win.

4. Different Daily Communication. 
A long engaging conversation with my guy is one of my very favorite things. He is my best friend, so of course I want to tell him like...everything. WEEEELLLLL.... I'm trying something new.

1. Reduce conversation during the day.  We don't talk during the day unless it is important. We'll send the occasional quick funny or sweet text, but day long conversations? Nope. For one, you're at work. Do your work.

Dear anyone not in the working world yet,
      You don't get to sit on your phone and text the day away about what you had for lunch, how your meeting was, who you've run into, etc. You are working. You do your work. Just wanted you to know.


Besides the fact that you should be doing your job, not talking as much during the day makes the evenings more conversational. I value our in person interactions and conversations more than texting, so this is a resolution that I love.

2. Reduce negative conversation. Your life doer wither can handle your negativity, complaining, venting, and real world feelings and situations. They can handle it, but be careful. Don't over do it. If you are going through a season of life that is heavily influenced by bad attitudes and negativity, I get it. I got you. I've been there. However, I've been thinking lately that I don't want my marriage to get too weighed down by those burdens. I want to keep a good attitude for the most part. I can talk to family or friends. I can lean on my faith or coping skills and mindfulness. I can keep some of it to myself. This resolution is to reduce negative conversation. I'm going to do this for a while, and I'll let you know how it goes. 💜

February is all about love, and I love my man. These resolutions will make my marriage an even greater source of joy and happiness! 

Recap of Feb. Resolutions:
1. Stop Nagging
2. Reframe Responsibility 
3. Be Sweet
4. Different Daily Communication- Reduce Daily Communication and Reduce Negative Conversation

We should be friends. Follow me on Facebook- Meredith Quinn, IG- @merequinnthemiddle,
Twitter- @merequinn, Pinterest- Meredith Quinn-Mereinthemiddle , LinkedIn- Meredith Quinn, M.Ed, NCC
You can also subscribe to the blog to get email updates of new posts!

Until next time!

From the middle with love,


Sunday, January 22, 2017

My Happier 2017: January Resolutions

      Thoughts of decluttering and organizing turn me into the heart eye emoji. I've always preferred order and neatness. It began in second grade. Mrs. Nowell gave an award to the student with the most organized and tidy cubby each week. I got the award a few times, and I was hooked. I'm the kid who looked forward to going back to school because it meant new supplies. I enjoy cleaning out attics. Most people think I'm super weird because of it.

     I'm sad to report that simply appreciating clean and organized spaces doesn't mean I always have clean and organized spaces. I talked about how I read The Happiness Project  by Gretchen Rubin in June 2015 in my last post. (Read it here) This time around I am doing a full Happiness Project for 2017. Since it is my first month, I am following closely to the resolutions that Rubin offers in the book. She outlines the importance of getting enough sleep, working out, doing what you know you need to do, having an energetic attitude, and creating clean and comfortable spaces. I view it as a clean slate, get back to the basics type of thinking to prep for the rest of the months' resolutions.

      I thought through the list. I didn't need to change my sleeping habits. I am in bed by 10 and asleep by 10:30. I needed to be more consistent running. I was sporadic and not making solid progress because of it. The house is small, but there are still areas I have been reluctant to touch. In my thinking I discovered maybe it is not the house being unorganized. It might be that I do not stick to a plan that keeps it organized. Example- I have the plastic Tupperware all stacked up and easily accessible. Why do I just put it back in the cabinet all out of whack and barely stacked up? Or the pantry. I have it all separated and organized, but when I put things away after cooking I don't put it back where it goes. After weeks of tiny things like that, it starts to drive me nuts that I can't find things or the Tupperware falls on my head when I am trying to make my lunch. 

      I tell my kids that need help with study skills that organization is about routine and consistency. Find a way that works for you (routine) and do it like that every single time (consistency). It helps them with their lockers and backpacks, but I can't seem to implement in my own life.

         The next idea is taking care of tasks that you've been putting off. OMG I am the worst about this. I am not proud of that. I am so bad about putting something on a to do list and leaving it there. It it is not urgent, it is less likely to get done. Two weeks later it becomes urgent and I'm scrambling. I absolutely need to get a handle on that in January. The last one is to act with more energy. I felt like I had somewhat of a handle on this one. In my job, I have to get my energy up when a student needs help. I can't be in a bad mood during parent teacher conferences. I need to be approachable and warm. If I'm having an off day I either reboot by myself in my office, confide in a friend and keep going, or wait until I get home. My kids deserve my best, so I try to keep my energy consistent.

With all of that in mind I made my January resolutions! 

1. Make the "I've been putting this off too long" list and DO THEM ALL. 
2. Run at least three afternoons a week. 
3. Declutter and organize the entire house and my car. 
4. Tidy each night for no longer than 10 minutes. 

      Last week I worked on number 1. Close our account with a cable provider and send it all back. DONE. 2. Update paperwork for my student loan. DONE. 3. Mail things back to friends. DONE. 4. Close our account with the bank we used before we moved. DONE. 5. Switch our car tags- in the process. That one turned out to be a multi step item. There were a few more smaller things on that list, too. MAN DID IT FEEL GOOD to get that all completed. There are four more things I need to to do this week to throw the list away, but I don't even mind anymore because I know how great it will feel when it is all done!

      I've been working on number 3 this weekend. UAM (the college where my husband coaches) had an official high school recruiting visit this weekend. So Saturday he was gone all day for that. It was prime time clean and declutter time. I figured if Gretchen Rubin took a day to declutter then I could too without feeling like I was missing out on a Saturday. I was going off the energy I had leftover from helping my mom and dad clean out a side attack last weekend. I wanted my pantry, laundry, and kitchen to have that rejuvenating feeling that the attic had. It looks so good. I started early on Saturday morning and didn't stop until it was done. I cleared off the countertops and deep cleaned everything. I threw away the outdated food in the pantry and the fridge. I reorganized the cabinets. I categorized the items in the pantry and fridge. I made a "to buy" list for organizational items as I went. Once I was at a stopping point, I went to the store and got what I needed right away. I wanted to start the project and finish it in the same day. I'm so glad I did. Now my goal is to keep it like this!

I added these curtains so I could close off the laundry room if I needed to. They also add more color while hiding the appliances. 
I got creative with a paper towel rack. In a small home with little storage options, you have to get creative! I am also excited about that blue storage box you see on the shelf. I bake quite often. It's one of my favorite hobbies. I didn't like storing all of my baking ingredients on the pantry shelves because 1. they took up so much space and 2. I wanted them easily accessible. This little box has solved both of those problems. Just tonight my husband asked if I could bake up some goodies. I grabbed the box and whipped up some chocolate chip cookies. I am extremely thrilled with this organization hack. 

Dog food container. It keeps the food more fresh and it conveniently sits on the dryer.
Love it.
Cabinet basket. Snack holder now! Grab and go almonds and granola bars!
I never used the extra large cereal container, so I took the top off, and now that is where the aluminum foil, cling wrap, and wax paper will live.
I put all the breads and grains in the top right corner. The cooking basics like olive oil, garlic, cooking spray, balsamic vinegar, etc. in the bottom left. The sides and other random ingredients are on the rest of the bottom shelf. 

I hope you have been inspired to do some task or project you've been dreading. Once again, my four January resolutions are:
1. Make the "I've been putting this off too long" list and DO THEM ALL
2. Run at least three afternoons a week
3. Declutter and organize my entire house and car.
4. Tidy each night for no longer than 10 minutes.

I'm right in the middle of January's Happier 2017! I hope you have a happy moment this week! Until next time!

From the middle with love,


Tuesday, January 17, 2017

The Realities of Poor Time Management and What I'm Doing About It

Ummmmm....HI EVERYONE. Yeah, it's been a hot minute. BUT in all my time off I've had some serious talks with myself and I can tell you why I haven't been blogging.

Reason #1- My husband's computer bit the dust. It's a little hard to blog when you don't have a computer. 

Reason #2- I've been extra restful and mindful since October. March through September finally caught up to me. The whirlwind of starting a new job, moving away from family, and the demands of football season blindsided me in a major way. Long story short, things got quiet in social world.

Reason #3. I'm busy. Everyone say a mental "UGH", and keep going.

Reason #4  Last but not least, and the reason this post is being written, I'm just NOT managing my time with purpose since I graduated from my Masters in May. I thought that when I graduated I would have so much more time and energy to use towards hobbies and activities that I enjoyed. I wasn't wrong about having more time. However, I was wrong about how hard it is to use my extra time with direction and intention. 

I wanted to do something with those hours! Write a song, cook a good dinner, Facetime with friends or family, try yoga, give myself a pedicure, read a new book, etc....You'd think I could just do those things, but many nights I put Netflix on and chilled a few hours away.

Now don't get me wrong on this chill thing. I am ALL for an occasional visit with my best friends Lorelai and Rory. And some nights there's nothing better than Sonic Cheddar Peppers. Occasional had become my typical, and that equals problem. I noticed that I was missing opportunities and moments during the week. I wasn't pushing myself to do the things I knew would make me happy. 

I'm a firm believer that many problems have solutions. (Shout out to SFBT!) My solution to not blogging for four months is to catch up on what my school counseling program has been up to. I may have been slow to start with hobbies and extra time, but my first semester as a school counselor was AMAZING and PRODUCTIVE. I have to write about it all. It's just a must. 

My solution to taking my time back from the chillax monster is outlining and implementing the changes I want to make in my life. I thought and thought of how I might organize that daunting task. It hit me over Christmas break what I needed to do. I'm rereading the book The Happiness Project by Gretchen Ruben. I read it in June 2015, but I didn't start my own project. I picked bits and pieces of the monthly concepts to try. But NOW I loooooovvveeee the idea of diving into a more detailed and intentional happiness project. Are you asking what a happiness project is? Check it out here

So that's what I'm up to! I'm in the middle of managing my time and energy in order to be more purposeful. 
What are you in the middle of right now? I'd love to hear from you! I've missed you guys. :) 

Until next time!

From the middle with love, 
