
Saturday, May 20, 2017

UPDATE -- The Ultimate Name Game! Learning All 400 Students' Names

      Welcome back to Mere in the Middle! Right now I am in the middle of wrapping up my first year of counseling. It is a whirlwind to say the least! Way back at the beginning of this school year I challenged myself to learn each and every students' name! Read the initial post, The Ultimate Name Game . I wanted to memorize all 400 names by Christmas, but that didn't happen. I tried hard, but I was still missing at least 75 names. But I didn't give up! I kept memorizing through the school year. I am SO proud to say that I know almost all of my students by name. I still hesitate and need the first letter for a handful of students. Although it took longer than I expected, my Ultimate Name Game was an exciting venture for my first year. I would encourage any counselor to try this, and here's why.

1. The students get a kick out it. There were many days giving classroom guidance lessons that I would make a deal with them. If I couldn't remember their name, they got a piece of candy. They LOVED that. The students that I remembered, felt valued. And the students that got a piece of candy knew I wouldn't forget it again.

2.  You know everyone....everyone. It is so awesome when I hear names and I know exactly who they are, what grade they are in, their face, etc. You know who your quiet students are. You see the students that don't step into the spotlight much. You know those students' names that are not always called for student council, or good grades, or making a sports team. But you'll know them. You'll make them smile. They will know you care.

3. Knowing their names is just the beginning. I started realizing about November that I knew random little facts about my students. I had acquired tid-bits of information through interacting with them.  I knew if they were on a sports team, had brothers or sisters, who their friends were, if they liked English more than Science, etc. This is my point- Knowing a student's name is just the beginning. There was almost always a conversation that followed when I walked the halls and called them by name. A "Good morning" is great, but a "Good morning, Thomas" is typically followed by "How was the game last night?", "How was that test?" Conversational doors open when you take the time to know their names.

      There are more reasons to use this challenge, but those are my top three. Be in the halls. Connect with your kids. Show them you care. Give them reason to trust you. Be someone in the school on which they can rely. Going back to work after Christmas I had a realization...I love my kids. They don't always make the right choices. They don't always stay true to their values. But they are learning, and they are trying. I love them because I know them. And I know them better because I know their names.

Try it out? Let me know if it makes a difference in your connections? Comment and let me know!
I hope it does. I know The Ultimate Name Game has made a difference at my school.

Also.....Let's be friends! Subscribe to the blog, Facebook- Meredith Evans Quinn, Twitter- @merequinn, Instagram- mereequinn, and Pinterest- Meredith Quinn- Mere in the Middle

I could know your name, too! Until next time!

From the middle with love,


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